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Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Why All Men Need To Go Vegan

What is manly about exploiting harmless defenceless animals?

Veganism is often associated with women. There appears to be the general feeling that Veganism is not for men and that somehow eating meat is manly. This of course is a completely ignorant attitude and only shows how ignorant some men can be.

What is manly about exploiting and killing defenceless animals? All that you are doing is preying upon something that is weaker than you. Something that is vulnerable and physically weaker than you what is manly about that. Of course the vast majority of men who eat meat pay somebody else to kill their meat for them so again, manly, I don`t think so. Do you think that it`s a manly thing to hit, rape or abuse a woman? No, of course it isn`t. Those things are simply unacceptable in our society and any man who hits or abuses a woman is a low life who deserves nothing but contempt and maybe a damn good kicking.

So hitting a woman is not a manly thing to do but abusing and killing animals is? Is abusing a child a manly thing to do? Once again, no. But abusing a chicken, a calf, a piglet is.

Where does this attitude of manliness come from in conjunction with eating meat? It comes from corporate engineering of course. Companies who reap fortunes from the abuse and murder of animals have managed to brainwash idiots into thinking that somehow paying someone to murder, chop up and package dead animal flesh somehow makes you a testosterone filled love machine.

Somehow Vegan men are often portrayed as weak, pale, and pasty men who can`t get girls. Most women however like to have a man who is kind and compassionate and has the ability of critical thinking. Stuffing yourself with the flesh of a dead animal whilst acting as if  that makes you a real man is not a turn on for women and just displays ignorance and stupidity which is the opposite to critical thinking.

Also, men who eat meat often have a far lower sex drive and  suffer with erectile dysfunction. The fats and cholesterol in animal flesh leads to a lower blood flow to the male genitals which means a higher likelihood of drooping at the critical moment. Vegan men who take no animal or dairy fats into their bodies are fitter, healthier and more able to satisfy their partners than the meat chomping man

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