People pushing the Raw `Till 4 lifestyle claim you need early nights to make you healthier but that just hides the physical reality on why you need so much sleep.
The Raw `Till four lifestyle is a large talking point on social media and has even spread into some of the mainstream media. The basis of this diet/lifestyle is that you can eat as much food as you want do very little exercise and lose weight so that you will be thin, lean and super healthy.
You eat nothing but fruit or smoothies all day long until you sit down in the early evening and stuff yourself with a huge, high carbohydrate cooked meal. That meal leaves you with a "food baby" which is a very nice and pleasant way of saying that you eat so much food that your stomach ends up being swollen, heavy and bloated and leaves you feeling slow and lethargic. At this point the inventors and rabid supporters of Raw `Till four tell you to go to bed because you need to sleep for many many hours to help you attain your super fitness.
Now, if we just think about the basic physiology of the human body we can immediately see that the real reason you need to sleep for so long after binging is being hidden by the pushers of this pernicious way of life.
When you place food into your mouth and begin to chew your body immediately stirs itself into action. Chewing food requires a large number of muscles to to work in tandem to grind and crush your food into pieces that are easier to swallow. Also, your body increases the amount of saliva and acids in the stomach which will assist in breaking up the food and therefore allowing it to absorb the nutrients that come from your meals.
Muscles in your mouth, throat and stomach require energy as does the production of saliva and stomach acid. The energy that you need to complete the task of turning your food from chewed in your mouth to your stomach and through your intestines, colon and bowell when you have finished with the waste matter is a great deal.
And that is the real reason why you need to sleep for so long when you follow the Raw `Till Four way. That huge binge eating meal that you eat in the evening is far too much food to eat in one meal, hence the swollen bloated belly. When you eat such a large amount of food, far too much, your body has to draw as much energy as possible into the food chewing and digestion process. Eating such a vast amount of food means that your body needs to draw on every ounce of energy that it has at its command. It redirects energy from your other muscles and every part of your body and throws it into digesting your food. This results in you becoming incredibly tired, heavy and lethargic and leads to a desperate need for sleep. Your need to sleep is based on the fact that your body no longer has the energy to keep you awake because it needs to focus all of its energy into breaking down the massive binge of food that you have just gorged upon.
This is a physiological fact, this is how your body works, and that is a fact. These are facts that the pushers of Raw `Till Four not only choose to ignore but deliberately cover up and therefore mislead people. You do not need to sleep the moment you have finished eating your evening binge meal because that will bring you better health. You feel heavy, bloated and lethargic and need to sleep because your body cannot cope with digesting the massive amount of food that you have just consumed.
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