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Friday, 10 July 2015

The Only Justification For Eating Meat Is No Justification At All

The arguments for eating meat based around nutrition are flawed and are based within no reality. So what justification for eating meat is left?

We, as Vegans are used to hearing the endless list of excuses used by meat eaters as to why they continue to consume the flesh of dead animals and why they choose to support the most disgustingly immoral business on the planet. A business that earns billions of pounds and which is based on the pain,suffering, rape, degredation and ultimately death of living creatures.
Most of those reasons, for want of a better word, have historically been based around the need for nutrition. You must eat meat because you can`t get the necessary amount of protein that you require from a plant based diet they scream from every mass media outlet desperately trying to protect their investments into the huge global farming companies that cause such horror in the quest for more profit. The protein argument has of course been thoroughly debunked by no less an important institution as the World Health Organisation. The amount of protein that we require has been deliberately exxagerrated to scare people away from plant based diets for many decades. The real amount of protein we require is a far lower number and that number is easily attainable when consuming a plant based diet. Yes, I know, shocking isn`t it plants contain protein.

The only argument that remains for the consumption of meat is that ; " I eat meat because I enjoy it". How many of us have heard friends or family members use that pathetic reason? Of course eating meat because you enjoy it is no justification at all. It is no reason to defend the mass murder of hundreds of millions of animals every year, the agony and the suffering that each and every one of those animals has to endure during those lives before having a metal bolt slammed through it brain or having it`s throat ripped open with a knife cannot possibly be deemed to be correct just because somebody likes the taste of that animals flesh.

We do not justify the abuse and misery that humans inflict upon other humans by offering such spurious defences so we should never accept it as a defence to inflict that agony and death upon animals. After all animals breath, sleep, eat, and feel pain just the same as we do.

Imagine the scene in a British court room if that kind of excuse were to be used for human to human abuse.

"I`m sorry your honour I raped and killed that three year old child because I wanted to, because I enjoyed it"

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