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Friday, 31 July 2015

How To And Why We Should All Be Consuming Wheatgrass - A True Superfood

In my latest Youtube video I show you how I make a shot of Wheatgrass juice for my morning routine and discuss just why Wheatgrass is an amazing super food and why I believe that we all ought to be consuming it.

There are many foods, drinks and supplements that are being marketed as super foods. Of course many of them are not as described by their eager manufacturers and often are nothing more than expensive frauds. Often you are only left with expensive urine to show for your expenditure and no benefits to your health.

After spending a great deal of time studying the minerals, vitamins, enzymes and many other constituents of Wheatgrass I am completely convinced that it truly deserves the title of super food.

I have a shot of Wheatgrass juice every morning as part of my morning routine and I am already enjoying the health benefits from doing so. Wheatgrass is better for you than any green vegetable that you can consume. In my video I show you how simple it is to make a wheatgrass shot and show you the list of goodness that Wheatgrass contains.

Thursday, 30 July 2015

The Real Reason Why You Need More Sleep On Raw `Till Four

People pushing the Raw `Till 4 lifestyle claim you need early nights to make you healthier but that just hides the physical reality on why you need so much sleep.

The Raw `Till four lifestyle is a large talking point on social media and has even spread into some of the mainstream media. The basis of this diet/lifestyle is that you can eat as much food as you want do very little exercise and lose weight so that you will be thin, lean and super healthy.

You eat nothing but fruit or smoothies all day long until you sit down in the early evening and stuff yourself with a huge, high carbohydrate cooked meal. That meal leaves you with a "food baby" which is a very nice and pleasant way of saying that you eat so much food that your stomach ends up being swollen, heavy and bloated and leaves you feeling slow and lethargic. At this point the inventors and rabid supporters of Raw `Till four tell you to go to bed because you need to sleep for many many hours to help you attain your super fitness.

Now, if we just think about the basic physiology of the human body we can immediately see that the real reason you need to sleep for so long after binging is being hidden by the pushers of this pernicious way of life.

When you place food into your mouth and begin to chew your body immediately stirs itself into action. Chewing food requires a large number of muscles to to work in tandem to grind and crush your food into pieces that are easier to swallow. Also, your body increases the amount of saliva and acids in the stomach which will assist in breaking up the food and therefore allowing it to absorb the nutrients that come from your meals.

Muscles in your mouth, throat and stomach require energy as does the production of saliva and stomach acid. The energy that you need to complete the task of turning your food from chewed in your mouth to your stomach and through your intestines, colon and bowell when you have finished with the waste matter is a great deal.

And that is the real reason why you need to sleep for so long when you follow the Raw `Till Four way. That huge binge eating meal that you eat in the evening is far too much food to eat in one meal, hence the swollen bloated belly. When you eat such a large amount of food, far too much, your body has to draw as much energy as possible into the food chewing and digestion process. Eating such a vast amount of food means that your body needs to draw on every ounce of energy that it has at its command. It redirects energy from your other muscles and every part of your body and throws it into digesting your food. This results in you becoming incredibly tired, heavy and lethargic and leads to a desperate need for sleep. Your need to sleep is based on the fact that your body no longer has the energy to keep you awake because it needs to focus all of its energy into breaking down the massive binge of food that you have just gorged upon.

This is a physiological fact, this is how your body works, and that is a fact. These are facts that the pushers of Raw `Till Four not only choose to ignore but deliberately cover up and therefore mislead people. You do not need to sleep the moment you have finished eating your evening binge meal because that will bring you better health. You feel heavy, bloated and lethargic and need to sleep because your body cannot cope with digesting the massive amount of food that you have just consumed. 

Your body is telling you that eating that amount of food in one binge eating meal is too much. But will you choose to listen to it I wonder?

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

What A Vegan Eats In A Day

It`s easy to be a Vegan. You need not worry about what you will eat if you give up animal products. 

Take a look at my newest Youtube video to see some of the food that I eat and enjoy as a Vegan. So many people are scared of becoming a Vegan because they worry as to what they will eat. I am eating more variety of meals and foods than I have ever done before since becoming a Vegan.

Monday, 27 July 2015

UK Cancer Charity Raising Money With Cancerous Meat Consumption!

Cancer research UK is attempting to raise money by encouraging people to eat meat. Meat!! A major cause of cancers.

To my astonishment and consternation the UK based cancer research charity are trying to raise funds to assist them in their quest to heal and cure cancers by encouraging everybody in Britain to host Barbecues and to consume more meat.

Yes, that`s right, meat. Meat and the animal protein that comes from it is a major reason for increasing numbers of people contracting cancer.

My latest Youtube video discusses the irresponsible nature of this money raising campaign and gives statistics to display the idiocy of this idea. 

Sunday, 26 July 2015

My Mental Health And My disappointment With The NHS

Another letter from the NHS mental health department but it was not what I was expecting or what I need.

In my latest Youtube video I give you an update on my mental health situation and tell you why my excitement at receiving a letter from the NHS mental health department was quickly dampened by the disappointing nature of the letter.

Please watch my video, share it, subscribe if you wish to be notified of when I upload more videos and please leave any comments that you have.

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Why Am I An Outspoken Bitch? ( Video by Sorsha Morava)

This is a wonderful video and echoes the kind of thoughts that I have been having more and more lately. Since becoming a Vegan I have always considered the feelings of meat eaters and have often moderated my speech and writings in a way as to not cause them offence. But as Sorsha says in her video the agony and slaughter of animals is happening every second of every day and that is far more important than worrying about the feelings of meat eaters who support it. This lady and this video is inspiring me too speak out more and to not worry about upsetting meat eaters. Why should I worry about them when their selfishness is causing the greatest holocaust that the world has ever seen?

You Either Love Animals Or You Eat Them - You Can`t Have Both

Eating Meat Whilst Claiming That You Love Animals Is The Ultimate Form Of Hypocrisy

We have all heard it haven`t we. People who claim that they love animals whilst taking pleasure in eating the dead flesh of what was once a living, breathing, feeling being.

At best this is a massive dose of hypocrisy, at worst this is simply a life lived within the comfortable confines of denial. It is not possible to claim that you love animals if you eat them how can it be? 

You see it is not just eating the animal but it is what eating the animal represents. Every piece of nicely prepared and packaged meat represents the imprisonment, suffering, agony and murder of a sentient being. That lovely plastic packet so nicely made by your supermarket to make you feel comfortable about the practice of mass slaughter contains chunks of agony and death, there is no such thing as a bloodless death. Every time you consume animal flesh you are supporting the most disgusting, abusive machine of murder on this earth. Do not fool yourself, your money, every penny and pound is helping those companies to grow fat and rich on the back of mass exploitation and murder.

When people announce that they love animals whilst continuing to eat them they do not mean what there words would suggest. They mean that they love their pets. There dogs, cats, fish, rodents, reptiles or whatever other animal that they lovingly keep, feed and cuddle. This is not loving animals, it is loving a pet.

A dog or cat is cuddly of course therefore it is loved and deserves to live a life of comfort without suffering. We spend a fortune of our hard earned monies every year on taking our pets to the vets whenever they have any kind of possible illness. A cat with a sore pore, a dog with a weepy eye must have immediate medical attention lest it feel a modicum of pain. And after the pet owner returns from the vet they tuck there beloved pooch or pussy into their bed or onto their comfortable cushion and then settle down to a plate of chicken or a nice cheeseburger completely oblivious to the gaping hole in their morality.

Pigs, cows and chickens get their skin and fur dirty, they root in their own filth and often smell unpleasant and that is why people who claim to love animals continue to eat them. Imagine the horror of suggesting that their cat or dog be skinned, hung upside down and have it throat ripped open so that its meat could be prepared for dinner. The pet owner would hate you for even suggesting it but with those "other" animals that kind of thing is perfectly acceptable.

And that is how people manage to fool themselves and keep themselves immersed in their world of self delusion. Cute, cuddly animals deserve to live. Smelly farmyard animals deserve nothing more than to be abused, beaten, raped and eventually murdered.

You cannot claim to love animals if you eat them and if you think that I am wrong then you are truly a human being in denial.

The Letters of George Gordon 6th. Lord Byron. Published in 1933

I love reading collections of letters, particularly letters written in the 17-18 hundreds. I love the language that those people wrote with, such erudition.
#bookporn #lordbyron #byron #bookworm#bibliophile #poetry #letterwriting #letters#poetsofinstagram #library #veganminimalist_mark#poems #antiquarian.

Friday, 24 July 2015

Why Veganism Is Not Healthy

Don`t fool yourselves into thinking that eating Vegan is healthy

Most Vegans consider Veganism to be the best way to attain your ultimate level of health. This is, of course, not true. Veganism is not in itself a health regime because, as is the case with all food consumption lifestyles, it all depends on what Vegan foods that you eat.

Just because you decide to adopt a Vegan lifestyle that does not automatically mean that you are beginning a journey to a fitter, healthier you. As the number of Vegans across the world continues to grow food producing companies recognise the growing power of the Vegan dollar and are making more and more foods aimed at the Vegan market. Of course, this generally means an increase in processed Vegan foods.

Being Vegan is simply about not consuming animal products of course. So, a processed Vegan ice cream or a processed pre packed meal may be Vegan but is not healthy. You can buy Vegan processed food that is still heaving with saturated fat, salt and all manner of harmful products which will do nothing to help you to achieve your health and weight loss targets.

Are a bag of Dorito`s good for you because they can be consumed by Vegans? Are the Vegan cheeses that are available good for you just because they contain no animal products. No is the obvious answer but it`s amazing to see how many Vegans who are new to the scene assume that anything labelled as Vegan is a healthy food.

A Vegan diet, I believe is a chance for all of us to lose weight and become healthier but only if you understand that a label of "Vegan" is not a label of good health. French fries that contain no animal products may be promoted as Vegan but given the fact that they are still cooked by being soaked in large amounts of oils containing high levels of saturated fats and MSG mean that they are not healthy. Fries made at home using potatoes not cooked in oil and not covered in salt are Vegan but are also very good for you.

Companies producing processed Vegan foods are very clever and also very rich which means that they have the financial resources to spend on finding ways to fool us into thinking that their processed foods are healthy because they are Vegan. Be careful, read the labels on your food and just remember that Vegan doesn`t guarantee good health. Only you and the choices that you make can guarantee good health.

#vegan #veganism #goodhealth #animalliberation # animalfreedom #animalrights #healthyeating #hclf #starchsolution

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Why All Men Need To Go Vegan

What is manly about exploiting harmless defenceless animals?

Veganism is often associated with women. There appears to be the general feeling that Veganism is not for men and that somehow eating meat is manly. This of course is a completely ignorant attitude and only shows how ignorant some men can be.

What is manly about exploiting and killing defenceless animals? All that you are doing is preying upon something that is weaker than you. Something that is vulnerable and physically weaker than you what is manly about that. Of course the vast majority of men who eat meat pay somebody else to kill their meat for them so again, manly, I don`t think so. Do you think that it`s a manly thing to hit, rape or abuse a woman? No, of course it isn`t. Those things are simply unacceptable in our society and any man who hits or abuses a woman is a low life who deserves nothing but contempt and maybe a damn good kicking.

So hitting a woman is not a manly thing to do but abusing and killing animals is? Is abusing a child a manly thing to do? Once again, no. But abusing a chicken, a calf, a piglet is.

Where does this attitude of manliness come from in conjunction with eating meat? It comes from corporate engineering of course. Companies who reap fortunes from the abuse and murder of animals have managed to brainwash idiots into thinking that somehow paying someone to murder, chop up and package dead animal flesh somehow makes you a testosterone filled love machine.

Somehow Vegan men are often portrayed as weak, pale, and pasty men who can`t get girls. Most women however like to have a man who is kind and compassionate and has the ability of critical thinking. Stuffing yourself with the flesh of a dead animal whilst acting as if  that makes you a real man is not a turn on for women and just displays ignorance and stupidity which is the opposite to critical thinking.

Also, men who eat meat often have a far lower sex drive and  suffer with erectile dysfunction. The fats and cholesterol in animal flesh leads to a lower blood flow to the male genitals which means a higher likelihood of drooping at the critical moment. Vegan men who take no animal or dairy fats into their bodies are fitter, healthier and more able to satisfy their partners than the meat chomping man

Monday, 13 July 2015

Veganism Isn`t About Losing Weight

Veganism Is Not About Weight Loss Despite What The Increasing Number of Youtube Vegans Think!

As I continue to watch and make videos via the wonderful resource that is Youtube concerning Veganism I cannot help but notice that more and more people appear to think that being a Vegan is purely about weight loss and looking great.

As both Youtube and Instagram continues to fill with eager young Vegans ever ready to show us their beach ready bodies and talk about how being a Vegan makes you look and feel amazing I cannot help but wonder if the real message of Veganism is being lost.

There are many various and valid reasons to become a Vegan but surely the most prominent one is the welfare of animals. The right for animals to live, breed and die without humans claiming that they have the right to visit imprisonment, agony and a horrible death upon them. Surely that is the most important point to make. 

So why is it that so many Vegans fail to address this point or to even mention it amongst their videos of their "amazing" blender for mixing their smoothies and the "my hair has improved since I gave up animal products"

My worry is that Veganism has become a fashion accessory in the same way that a tiny dog that fits into your handbag is and that when the initial excitement of belonging to the new cool club wears off then many of the new Vegans will simply drift away like yesterdays fallen leaves.

There are many, many wonderful Vegans on social media of course focusing on the real issues of Veganism but it appears that the younger Vegans are using the moral choice of non-suffering as a way of drawing attention to their waist size and the amount of fruit that they can eat in a day. Improving health and weight loss is of course a brilliant thing as the majority of Western culture hurtles toward mass obesity and premature death however the new trend for the mass media and celebrities to suddenly claim that Veganism is the cure for everything smacks of manipulation and an attempt to empty peoples pockets of their hard earned cash.

Of course, there is another side of this point of view. It could be argued that the reason one becomes a Vegan doesn`t actually matter. At the end of the day if you are a Vegan for the animals, or for the environment or because you think it`s cool then you are still not consuming animal products and therefore not taking part in the mass misery and murder of animals that deserve better. 

Let`s see if the new "recruits" to the Vegan community are still Vegans twelve months or two years from now. I have the strong suspicion that many of them won`t be but I will be incredibly happy to be proven wrong, I really do hope that I am.

Friday, 10 July 2015

The Only Justification For Eating Meat Is No Justification At All

The arguments for eating meat based around nutrition are flawed and are based within no reality. So what justification for eating meat is left?

We, as Vegans are used to hearing the endless list of excuses used by meat eaters as to why they continue to consume the flesh of dead animals and why they choose to support the most disgustingly immoral business on the planet. A business that earns billions of pounds and which is based on the pain,suffering, rape, degredation and ultimately death of living creatures.
Most of those reasons, for want of a better word, have historically been based around the need for nutrition. You must eat meat because you can`t get the necessary amount of protein that you require from a plant based diet they scream from every mass media outlet desperately trying to protect their investments into the huge global farming companies that cause such horror in the quest for more profit. The protein argument has of course been thoroughly debunked by no less an important institution as the World Health Organisation. The amount of protein that we require has been deliberately exxagerrated to scare people away from plant based diets for many decades. The real amount of protein we require is a far lower number and that number is easily attainable when consuming a plant based diet. Yes, I know, shocking isn`t it plants contain protein.

The only argument that remains for the consumption of meat is that ; " I eat meat because I enjoy it". How many of us have heard friends or family members use that pathetic reason? Of course eating meat because you enjoy it is no justification at all. It is no reason to defend the mass murder of hundreds of millions of animals every year, the agony and the suffering that each and every one of those animals has to endure during those lives before having a metal bolt slammed through it brain or having it`s throat ripped open with a knife cannot possibly be deemed to be correct just because somebody likes the taste of that animals flesh.

We do not justify the abuse and misery that humans inflict upon other humans by offering such spurious defences so we should never accept it as a defence to inflict that agony and death upon animals. After all animals breath, sleep, eat, and feel pain just the same as we do.

Imagine the scene in a British court room if that kind of excuse were to be used for human to human abuse.

"I`m sorry your honour I raped and killed that three year old child because I wanted to, because I enjoyed it"

Thursday, 2 July 2015

What Exactly Is Minimalism

We spend a great deal of our time buying things that we don`t want or need with money that we don`t have to impress people that we don`t actually know. Such is the absurdity of the the modern man.

A concrete definition of Minimalism is different for so many people so I thought that I would take a stab at trying to define it or at least define what Minimalism is to me.

Minimalism is not about getting rid of things, of possessions of not buying or having or of denying your wants. It is simply the art of making room for the things that you really want, the things that will make a solid and lasting difference to your life and will help you move toward attaining your life goals. One of my goals, if I ever overcome my mental health difficulties, is to travel. I`d like to travel through Europe, mostly France, Italy and Croatia. I want to live a life with few possessions other than the things that I absolutely need so that if I do travel I can leave my things behind and not have to worry about them, not have to think about what I`m going to do with my things whilst I spend a couple of years moving about Europe.

Minimalism is about not being held down by your things and this does not just mean your possessions. It also encompasses your emotional and mental baggage and your relationships with others.

It`s tempting in this digital age to feel good about the fact that you have hundreds of Facebook friends or thousands of followers on Instagram, Youtube, Google + et. all but how many of those people do you actually have real emotional and physical relationships with? Would you rather have hundreds of Facebook "friends" who you never meet or have any physical connection too or have five, six, ten, or twenty real friends that you meet regularly and communicate with on a face to face basis over a drink or a meal rather than over a laptop screen or a phone app?

All that Minimalism requires of you is that you consider what you buy and consume. What are the things that you hold onto both in terms of possessions and your emotions. What is really serving you? and what is serving somebody else. For instance did you go shopping and buy that item of clothing because you really really needed it and therefore it is serving you a purpose or did you buy it because the advertisers told you that you needed it and therefore your money in their pockets is only serving a purpose for them. Always consider before making a purchase or an emotional transaction if your planned acquisition is something that is moving you toward your goals and if it isn`t then its probably not worth having.

Minimalism is about removing things from your life thus allowing more room for more freedom to enter and this is the greatest gift that Minimalism can bestow upon us; Freedom. You can loose a fortune and gain it back the next day but I have yet to meet anybody who has found a way to earn back time that they have lost. Time and freedom are merciless and they slip away easily without you noticing. It is not about having less stuff it is about making space for more things that are truly important to you.

Life is not about how much we earn or how much we own it`s about how much we live.