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Sunday, 30 August 2015

The Importance Of Having A Rest Day

You may be eager to exercise every day but be careful not to overdo it and make sure that you have a rest day.

It is Sunday right now as I write this, a quarter past five in the early evening here in Berkshire, England and I am happy to say that I have spent the entire day doing nothing for today I decided to have a rest day.

During the last seven days I have run twice and cycled intensively. Yesterday I plotted a new course in my local area that includes excellent undulating hills for my bike and I to enjoy. I pushed myself hard once again and arrived home swimming in sweat and aching from the exertion. But, ultimately feeling incredibly happy as those endorphins raced through my brain. I fell into bed last night feeling elated and exhausted and was asleep before I even felt the warmth of my bed sheets covering my body.

Exercise is wonderful and often leaves me feeling tired, happy and almost in a state not far removed from feeling stoned as Youtuber Mango.Margaux recently explained.

Consistent exercise and wonderfully healthy eating is the best way to achieve fitness and good health of course but you must be careful. It is all too easy to become carried away by the joy that exercise gives you and to overdo it.

Consistency is the key to success but you must give yourself some rest days. Days where your activity level is as reduced as possible. After my lung bursting, fat burning efforts during the last seven days today has been my rest day. 

I have spent the day either on my sofa or, like now, laying on my bed working on my laptop. I have read, written, e-mailed and generally completed a great deal of work whilst barely moving my body. 

Today I ache but it is not a painful ache or the ache of a body that is telling me that it has had enough activity. It is the ache which I enjoy, it tells me that I have worked hard and that my form is working well.

But I must rest and so must you. Rest days are of paramount importance because without them you open yourself up to damage from over exercising and falling foul of injury. Given that consistency is the key to exercise an injury meaning you have to break from your regimen will break that consistency and leave you having to re-build your fitness. Two years ago I developed the early signs of shin splints. I ignored those early warning bells and ended up having to do no exercise for three months. Had I listened to my poorly shins at the outset of their cries I would only have needed to rest for two weeks at the most. Two weeks rest is far better than three months immobility. 

So make sure that you rest and rest well. This evening I will be taking to my bed at exactly 8pm to ensure that my body receives the maximum amount of rest that it requires. And even if I am not tired enough to sleep I will be laid down and quiet giving my muscles a chance to continue their natural work of repair and growth.

Rest days are imperative and should not be considered as a day lost in your quest for fitness. They ought to be considered as an important part of your exercise regimen for without them you may find that an enforced rest, pain and recovery becomes your new routine.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Why Is Hatred For The Healthy On The Rise?

It is an odd phenomenon but fit shaming is on the increase, why would that be?

I have had many positive experiences since I became a Vegan, began eating healthily and adopted a regular exercise regime back in June of 2014. The inevitable weight loss that goes with such a lifestyle is obvious but more subtle positive experiences have also taken place.

My overall health has improved immeasurably. My body is stronger than it has ever been, my stamina is now immense. My digestive system has reached levels of productivity that I could not have known was possible. Were I too swallow a house brick I`m positive that I would digest it with no great effort. My food bill has greatly diminished as plant foods are the cheapest and more economical foods available. Rice, Pasta, Potatoes, Pearl Barley, Lentils, Vegetables and all grains and cereals are now my staple foods and all of them can be purchased in large quantities for very little money. My skin and hair have improved and generally speaking, apart from my ongoing mental health problems my attitude and positivity has risen dramatically.

I was expecting some resistance to my becoming a Vegan, yes the usual arguments are heard over and over again. You won`t be able to get enough Protein. You`ll become B12 deficient. Vegans are weak and pasty, hug trees and chew on Mung beans all day and man has always and was meant to eat meat. I won`t elucidate any further because if you are a Vegan you will have heard this all before.

Just Before turning my life on its head and deciding that weighing 203 pounds, guzzling pizza, eating cheese every day and being generally indolent I had armoured myself against these arguments and was readily prepared for their assaults.

However, there was one attack, one negative that I had not foreseen and had certainly never even considered. That is, the hatred and suspicion that vast numbers of people have toward anybody who seeks to improve their health and live a life more conducive to the betterment of themselves but also to the advantage of others, be they animal or environment.

When I lived my previous life of gluttony and laziness and ate nothing but junk food the people around me seemed to have very little concern for my ever increasing corpulence and constant illness. My recurring Prostatitis and Irritable Bowell Syndrome were constant problems during this darker period of my life.  Taking anti-biotics every day for six months had little effect on my Prostatitis until I sought the help of a natural method of curing it and within a week or so my recurring bacterial Prostatitis was gone and the agony that goes with it. Those around me were blind or maybe just were used to my terrible food intake and lack of movement.

As soon as I began eating healthily and losing weight the concern amongst my peers grew. Are you eating properly was the most common question as people watched me tucking into a large bowl of Pearl Barley with vegetables and spices with a litre of water. When I would regularly devour a large Dominoes Pepperoni Passion pizza with cheesy garlic bread as a side nobody showed any concern. No concern for a meal containing heart clogging fat, cholesterol, harmful chemicals and all manner of the gods know what. Yet, sit in front of people eating something incredibly healthy and filling and suddenly you are not eating correctly.

When the fat began to dissipate from my body leaving me with a visible jaw line for the first time since I was at primary school suddenly everybody thought that I was being unhealthy. My meals had never been so healthy I was running, cycling and walking four times a week and yet somehow I wasn`t "taking care of myself" as well as I had been when eating chocolate bars and four packets of crisps every day and watching TV during every spare moment.

How has our society become so warped and so twisted that it seems that being overweight, obese even has become normal? That eating a steady diet of junk food and doing nothing to move ourselves has become so every day that when people seek to change and become fit and healthy it`s the fit, healthy people who are seen as abnormal? Why is is acceptable for obese people to attack images of people, mostly women, who are fit and healthy and who live an abundant and positive life yet if you criticise somebody for being overweight and unhealthy then you are a demon and laws should be made to protect the unhealthy from being upset?

A study by professor Klim McPherson from Oxford University has shown that by the year 2020 80% of British men will be clinically obese leading to a rise in all of the chronic illnesses and diseases associated with the condition. This means that it will actually be normal within British society to be obese and to be fit and healthy will be abnormal. Fit and healthy people will actually be in the minority. In the not too distant future those who seek to be fit and healthy will be classed as individuals, subversives, aloof from the rest of society.

When  we accept that obesity and ill health are normal then all hope is lost because how do you reverse the corpulence of a nation if those within it see it as normal? And this is why it appears to be fine for unhealthy people to attack those of us who actually care about our health and would actually like to avoid the terrible fatal illnesses that go along with mindlessly eating processed food and animal products.

It is becoming normal to be overweight, unhealthy and ill. I thank the gods therefore that I am not normal. I want better for my life and those that dislike me for it and attack me for it are of no concern to me. 

In the not too distant future those who seek to be fit and healthy will be classed as individuals, subversives, aloof from the rest of society. German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche had this too say in his seminal work, "Human, All Too Human which sums up why those who choose a life of ill health and obesity seek to attack those that do not.

"The infuriating thing about an individual way of living. People are always angry at anyone who chooses very individual standards for his life ; because of the extraordinary treatment which that man grants for himself, they feel degraded, like ordinary beings".

I think that Nietzsche was right in this instance. As a Vegan and somebody who practices vigilance upon the way that I eat and upon the level of movement that I give to my body I am setting a very high standard for my life. A Vegan is somebody who is prepared to live every day in a way that consigns no living thing to suffer and to die. That is a standard that requires a deal of discipline and work. It is a worthy standard but more importantly it is the standard of an individual. Eating healthily and exercising regularly is yet another standard, a statement to the world as to how an individual should behave and live. Those that travel through life following like sheep, the rest of society stuffing themselves with animal products with no thought for the animal that suffered and died are offended and intimidated by Vegans because as Nietzsche says they are made to feel ordinary. They have not chosen to live by a high standard, maybe by no standards at all so being confronted by those of us who have raises a mirror to their own behaviour and the reflection of themselves that they see is not a pleasant one. It is the reflection of a slaughter house floor and their choice to cover it in the blood of their victims.

Healthy and fit people are attacked for the very same reason. It`s why somebody at home with a large belly tucking into junk food will watch a programme on people trying to lose weight and get fit and laugh at them, calling them idiots for having the audacity for wanting to be healthy and avoid heart disease, Diabetes and Cancer, how dare they!

It is accepted now in our society that it is not a pleasant thing to criticise, point at, or even make comment about somebodies obesity, I have even heard people saying that we shouldn`t use the word "fat" to describe a person. But, the same rules do not apply to those of us who are working hard to improve our physical and mental health, those of us who actually give a damn about our own bodies, after all you`ll only ever have one. It does not apply to those people who think that abusing and killing animals for our pleasure and raping and pillaging the earth is actually a good idea. Aren`t we terrible people?

As obesity becomes a normal condition for the majority of our citizens the hatred for the fit and healthy will only continue to mount. And a society with that kind of future is surely on a road to nowhere.

Monday, 24 August 2015

How To Make A Wheatgrass Shot And Where To Buy It

As requested by a Youtube viewer here is a video explaining how to make a Wheatgrass shot and also where to buy the best Wheatgrass from.

Organic Wheatgrass Powder UK Amazon

Organic Wheatgrass Powder US Amazon

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Type 2 Diabetes Out Of Control - Warning ; Explicit Language

What the hell is going on when somebody chooses the amputation of a limb over eating healthily.

A new report has lifted the lid on an outrageous situation concerning Type two diabetes. As I read the reports and did my own research I became outraged at what is happening in terms of type two diabetes and the fact that 90% of sufferers bring the disease on themselves because the illness is caused by lifestyle choices.

I made a new Youtube video concerning the matter and quote the research. I must warn you that I was incredibly angry and frustrated whilst making the video and so it contains opinions that some may find offensive and a deal of explicit language.

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Veganism Is Not Healthy

Veganism is not a health regime. It is a way of living your life to cause no harm to living things.

In my video I discuss my concerns that Veganism is becoming seen as simply a health ideology and new Vegans are making the mistake that becoming a Vegan automatically means that you will be healthy.

Friday, 14 August 2015

My Running Infromation - Garmin Connect

Only my second run in three months. This will be my constant course from now on. My goal is to burn fat and become more lean and not increase my stamina so I will always run this same course but every time I run it I will try to complete it in a faster time. That`s how you burn fat more efficiently.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Mental Health Update : Autism, Aspergers, Dissociative Disorder

After waiting ten months for help I am now on the road to better mental health.

I attended an appointment at my local hospitals psychiatric department this afternoon and the appointment was very positive. I received more information about my problem which appears to be a dissociative disorder. I have made a Youtube video detailing the appointment and the possible treatment that I will be receiving.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Weight Loss : The One Word You Need For Success

I have lost 56 pounds in weight since adopting a healthy plant based lifestyle but discovered the one word that you need to guarantee you success in your weight loss goals.

In my latest Youtube video I let you know of the most important word that you need to guarantee you will have success in your desire to lose weight and achieve all of your fitness goals. The video is very short as I explain how this one simple word and your knowledge of it will work for you.

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Grocery Haul Video #10: Where To Find Amazing Oreo Copies That Taste No Different To The Real Thing

Another grocery haul video with lots of good food. Aldi and Sainsbury`s

 I show you where you can find copies of Oreo cookies that taste identical to the brand name but are a fraction of the cost.

Why Do Vegans Think That They Are So Superior?

One of the most common accusations levelled at Vegans is completely unjustified.

Since becoming Vegan one of the most common accusations that has been levelled at me and others by meat eaters is that we Vegans consider ourselves to be superior to others. This is actually a totally unjustified accusation and can be reversed onto the meat eater themselves. 

I discuss this topic in my latest Youtube video so please give it a watch and let me know what you think.

Monday, 3 August 2015

Raw Till 4 And The Real Reason Why You Have To Sleep So Much

Raw Till Four and those who espouse it do not tell you the truth about why you need to sleep so much.

Following on from the post that I made on the subject of the pernicious binge eating fad diet Raw Till Four and the real reason why you need to sleep so much I decided to make a Youtube video. I hope that you enjoy it.

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Cecil The Lion Killed By Walter Palmer. Moron Meat Eater Upset About Cecil The Lion Is Destroyed On Live Radio

LBC radio host Nick Abbot destroys an ignorant meat eater on live radio. The meat eater is disgusted by the killing of Cecil the lion but has no problem eating meat and fishing for fun.

My newest Youtube video contains a brief synopsis and link to this astonishing radio debate.

When this meat eating moron decided to call in to the LBC radio station to tell of his horror and disgust at the killing of Cecil the lion he wasn`t prepared for his stupidity and ignorance being exposed in such a wonderful way by the host Nick Abbot.

Mr Abbot points out to the caller that eating meat, the caller had eaten Beef for his dinner, is as cruel as the horrible fate that met Cecil.

When the caller then says that he also fishes to try and defend his ignorant opinion the host is dumbfounded but try as he might he cannot make the caller understand that meat eaters complaining about Cecil is just pure ignorance and hypocrisy.